
Euro Cylinder Thumbturns
Euro cylinders with turn or thumbturns are commonly found on apartments, flats and houses of multiple occupancy. These types of locks are recommended so that if there is an emergency you dont need to find a key to get out of the property you just use the thumbturn on the inside to get out its called keyless egress.
If your a landlord or letting agent always check if your properties such as flats, apartments or HMOs have keyless egress such as a euro cylinder thumbturn or nightlatch on the doors.
Need a quote for a euro cylinder thumbturn then call Derek or Pam on 07855 867422 at Lockkeys Locksmiths Burscough we dont charge a call out fee or vat.

Being A Burscough Locksmith Involves Lifelong Learning
Being a locksmith involves lifelong learning which I personally embrace and although locksmith tools havent changed much over the years one such change has been the introduction of Lishi Tools that were originally designed to help auto locksmiths in opening car doors.
Today’s Original Lishi tools (the one pictured is Lishi Style not an original) are the brain child of Zhi Qin Li. known as Mr Li these amazing tools were invented in early 2000 in response to the need to help his locksmith friends and his trainees.
Originally designed to open car locks these tools have now been developed to open domestic cylinder locks and although they help locksmiths they still require some skill and knowledge to use.
If your interested on becoming a locksmith then have a look at our locksmith training site and if you have any questions drop us a email.

Nightlatch Replacement In Burscough
Nightlatches commonly known as "Yale Locks" if your of a certain age are still found on many wooden doors normally combined with a British Standard deadlock or sashlock they offer a good standard of defence. However over time with slamming the door the nightlatch can become loose and if not sorted out can break like this one did.
At Lockkeys Locksmiths Burscough we carry these locks as standard stock. If you need a quote for a nightlatch replacement then call Derek or Pam at Lockkeys Locksmith Services on 07855 867422 we answer our phone between 0800-2000 every day except Christmas Day.

Door Dropped In Burscough ? We Can Help
If your having difficulty locking your Upvc door in Burscough then it could be that the door as dropped which causes the doors multi-point lock not to be lined up with the lock keeps in the door frame. Not having this fixed can potentially damage the door lock itself so Derek our locksmith in Burscough recommends that you have the door re-aligned before the lock fails and this should solve the problem.
At Lockkeys Locksmiths Burscough we are dealing with upvc doors most of the time which is not surprising when you consider that the majority of all doors in the UK are now of this type. If you would like a quote then call Derek or Pam on 07855 867422 we are here for our customers.

Upvc Window Locks How Do They Work ?
Upvc window locks comprise of a number of important parts. If any of these parts should fail then you may not be able to lock or unlock your window. The video provided by our locksmith in Burscough Derek explains in this video how they work.

Need a locksmith in Burscough ask for a quote rather than Diy
If youve snapped a key in a lock like this customer did, then ask for a quote rather than doing it yourself. This customer had a friend who said they could get the lock opened and tried unsuccessfully. It could have cost a lot more if the customer had let the friend carry on drilling. At Lockkeys Locksmiths Burscough we provide free no obligation quotes.

Lost Your Keys ? Dont Knock Out The Euro
We often get calls from customers who have lost keys and someone has tried to "Knock Out The Euro Cylinder Lock" in order to open the door. We advise against trying this method as the consequences of damage could be expensive. The attached video explains why.

Royal Naval Air Station Burscough
Although our Locksmith in Burscough Derek had known about the Naval Air Base in Burscough for years, it was only on a recent visit to Booths Supermarket did he find out just how important the place was during the second world war. From training how to fly on and off aircraft carriers to training staff how to use Radar it was operational between 1943 to 1946. Our history surrounds us.

Multipoint Lock Failing Or Door Alignment ?
At Lockkeys Locksmiths Burscough we often get calls from customers who have problems locking their Upvc or Composite door. To determine whether the problem is the multipoint lock or a door alignment we ask them to lock the door whilst it is open if the lock works ok then both the customer and ourselves know the problem is the alignment of the door. If the door will still not lock then its a new multipoint lock or centre case that is required.

Insurance Preferred Locks BS3621
As Burscough Locksmiths we also offer advice especially when it comes to a customer obtaining or renewing home insurance and needing to know about insurance preferred locks. Most insurance companies will ask if you have BS3621 locks fitted. They are referring to mortice locks which can either be a sash or deadlock. Our Burscough Locksmith Derek has kindly provided this video to explain the difference between a BS3621 and a none BS one. If you would like a no obligation quote for lock replacement please contact Derek or Pam on 07855 867422.

New Home Or Property ? Why Replace your locks ?
When you move into a new home or property we suggest that you replace your locks so that you know that you and your family are the only ones with keys to your locks. Its for peace of mind if nothing else and it could be a requirement on your home insurance policy.
If you would like any advice on the locks you already have on your door to see if they meet what your insurer requires then give us a call on 07855 867422 and speak with Derek our Burscough Locksmith.

Nightlatch On Your Door ? Some Can Be Deadlocked.
Have you a nightlatch on your door ? then some of these locks can be deadlocked providing extra security for your home. The nightlatch also known as a "Yale Lock" have been around for a long time but some customers are unaware that some have a deadlock function fitted which can be operated from the outside. The video above made by our Locksmith in Burscough Derek shows you how you can tell if your nightlatch is of the deadlocking type.

Key Safes - Which One To Choose ?
Key Safes Which One For Me ?
If you look you will see many key safes now in use throughout the UK so which one is for you ? Key safes come in different sizes normally small, medium and large and these sizes normally determine how many keys of different types can be stored in the Key Safe so this is one thing that the customer needs to consider before choosing (Details of key numbers can normally be found on the key safe description). Another thing to consider is who will be using the key safe. The next thing to consider is whether you need a high security key safe rather than standard security and obviously this will depend on the area you live in and budget available. When choosing a High Security Key Safe look out for the secured by design logo as this means they have been tested by locksmiths to withstand standard attack methods. For obvious reasons Lockkeys Locksmiths Burscough will always recommend a High Security Key Safe such as the Burton Safes Digital Keyguard XL.